Is God in the
Court Room? Is It the Truth?
you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
so help you _______?
Here we have
a court room. Court is in session. The following are present: Her or His Honor,
lawyers, plaintiff (s), defendant (s), bailiff (s), court reporter, witnesses, and
members of the jury, exhibits, and all others present. A witness is being sworn in. A book is presented in front of the witness
to place their hand on to authenticate an oath of honesty.
What is the book? What spiritual practice does this book
infer or represent? Could the witness be allowed to use their own spiritual practice
and or belief to substantiate the information which is about to be presented by
her or him. Does the formality of presenting
this book infer a religious practice?
Swearing in: Does the formality of “swearing in” establish a covenant? Granted my observations are limited to movies
and television yet, at the moment of swearing
in all which are present seem to be in agreement with One without ever actually thinking about it.
Further Questions.
Is God needed to avow the
impeccability of one’s word in the court room? If so, then who’s God? Which spiritual practice determines Truth?
Just a thought,